Tour of an Industrial ship


Pradeep port, Orissa, India. Have you ever watched Popeye: the sailor man? I used to watch this cartoon when I was a kid and used to imagine owning my own ship one day. And today I got to see an actual ship for the first time. An amazing experience it was, by seeing an actual industrial ship from the inside.


A picture from the control room of the ship, makes me feel like my dreams come true of becoming a Captain. In the back, you can see the computers that are used for navigation and to check on the weather and maps. They also had 3 different types of compass 2 manual and 1 computerized one. If the computerized compass broke they could still have 2 manual compasses to take them to there destination. If only I knew how to sail a ship my dreams would come true, nevertheless I also had a good conversation with the Captain of the ship, about the way the ship worked and how difficult it is to work and travel in the sea. Just loved this experience.

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